The PhD Programme in Veterinary Medicine provides students with the essential knowledge and skills to conceive and carry out research in a variety of areas comprising both fundamental and applied Veterinary Sciences.
The Programme adopts an expansive and integrative perspective in relation to public health, food safety and the environment, and aims to provide high quality multidisciplinary training to students. UAX researchers affiliated to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine participate in our PhD Programme. The members of these groups actively collaborate with researchers from various universities and research centres at national and international level. This collaboration translates into the execution of joint projects, student stays, supervision and supervision of doctoral theses, as well as the publication of relevant scientific papers.
The lines of research include aspects related to:
Programme coordinator:
Academic Commission:
Programa de Doctorado en Salud Veterinaria
First Year
Anual Subjects
Code | Subjects | Character* | ECTS |
D150100 | Conferencias Científicas de la Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio I | OB | 0 |
TOTAL: | 0 |
Second Semester
Code | Subjects | Character* | ECTS |
D150101 | Bioseguridad | OB | 0 |
D150102 | Cursos de capacitación en experimentación animal, categorías A, B, C y D. | OB | 0 |
TOTAL: | 0 |
Second Year
Anual Subjects
Code | Subjects | Character* | ECTS |
D250100 | Conferencias Científicas de la Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio II | OB | 0 |
TOTAL: | 0 |
First Semester
Code | Subjects | Character* | ECTS |
D250101 | Estadística en la investigación científica | OB | 0 |
D250102 | Bioética | OB | 0 |
TOTAL: | 0 |
Third Year
Anual Subjects
Code | Subjects | Character* | ECTS |
D350101 | Tesis Doctoral | TS | 0 |
D350100 | Estancias de investigación | OB | 0 |
TOTAL: | 0 |
Second Semester
Code | Subjects | Character* | ECTS |
D350102 | Escritura científica y presentaciones orales | OB | 0 |
TOTAL: | 0 |
*Character: BT: Basic Training, Ob: Required, Op: Optional
Full-time and part-time students: a maximum of 6 new admission places will be offered each academic year. Of these 6 places, 3 will be for part-time students and 3 for full-time students.
The doctoral student undertakes to carry out the doctoral studies and to carry out the research that is the object of the doctoral thesis project within the framework established by the applicable regulations, under the supervision of the supervisor, in accordance with the obligations resulting from the aforementioned commitment.
The UAX Doctoral Programme in Veterinary Health has a faculty of excellence that includes, in addition to professors, veterinary clinicians and researchers from the UAX, researchers and professionals from different research centres, companies, institutions and universities, both Spanish and foreign, who have shown their full availability, both to be co-directors of doctoral theses and to host doctoral students on training stays in their centres. The associated researchers are:
The Doctoral Programme in Veterinary Health includes a Research Programme composed of a large team of researchers with a clear orientation towards society, business and applied knowledge transfer. These are the researchers that make up the "Veterinary Health Research" team:
Excellence Seminars and Scientific Conferences I: PhD students will attend scientific seminars within the scope of the programme and given by renowned researchers.
Biosafety Seminars: PhD students will learn about the risks associated with the handling of biological and chemical agents and how to manage the waste generated in order to prevent environmental and human health risks.
Training courses in animal experimentation, categories A, B, C and D: PhD students will develop the theoretical and practical training contents adapted to the Order ECC/566/2015, of 20 March, which establishes the training requirements to be met by personnel handling animals used, bred or supplied for experimental and other scientific purposes, including teaching.
Seminars of Excellence and Scientific Conferences II: PhD students will attend scientific seminars within the scope of the programme and given by researchers of recognised prestige.
Seminars on Statistics in Scientific Research: PhD students will become familiar with advanced aspects of the use of statistical programmes such as SPSS and learn about their practical applications in different research designs.
Bioethics Seminars: PhD students will analyse the ethical problems of scientific research, human experimentation and animal experimentation. Knowledge will be acquired on the preparation of informed consents, as well as the necessary requirements for the application of projects to the Bioethics Commissions.
Research Stays in National or International Centres of Recognised Prestige: doctoral students will have to carry out a stay in those centres that are most suitable for the development of their research.
Seminars on Scientific Writing and Oral Presentations: PhD students will acquire the essential rudiments of scientific communication and the basic notions for writing a scientific project. In addition, they will help them to consolidate the presentation and discussion of results in public, as well as the written presentation of the experimental results of their doctoral work.
Veterinary Doctorate Programme
In collaboration with:
Dr. Javier García Castro. Research Professor at the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII). PhD in Biology. 7 theses supervised. Detail.
Dra. Isabel Rodríguez Hurtado. Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Alfonso X El Sabio University. PhD in Veterinary Health. 1 thesis supervised. Detail.
Dr. Fernando Vázquez. Director of the Clinical Veterinary Hospital at the Alfonso X El Sabio University. Doctor in Veterinary Health. Detail.
Dra. Ana Judith Perisé Barrios. Principal Researcher at the Biomedical Research Unit UIB-UAX at the University Alfonso X El Sabio. PhD in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Biomedicine and Biotechnology.1 thesis supervised. Detail.
Dra. Alicia de los Ángeles Barbero Fernández. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine with International Mention. Detalle.
Dra. Ruth Luque Mengíbar. Veterinarian at the Clinical Veterinary Hospital of the Alfonso X El Sabio University. Doctor in Veterinary Health. Detail.
Dra. Nuria Fernández Monsalve. Professor of Physiology. PhD in Pharmacology and Physiology.. Detail.
Dra. María Mogedas Moreno. Coordinator of Veterinary Physiology at the Alfonso X El Sabio University. PhD in Animal Physiology.
Dr. Fernando Esperón Fajardo. Doctor of Veterinary Science. Detail.
Dra. Raquel Gómez Lucas. Coordinator of the Clinical Sciences Area at the Clinical Veterinary Hospital of the Alfonso X El Sabio University. PhD in Animal Science. Detail.
Dra. Marta Mateo Barrientos. Doctor of Veterinary Science. Detail.
Dr. Daniel Fernández Moreira. Lecturer at the Alfonso X El Sabio University. PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Detail.
Dr. Alberto Zamora Benito. Lieutenant-Colonel Veterinarian, Head of the Food Safety and Health Service of the CEMILVETDEF.
Access route and requirements
Admission is open to those who are in one of the following situations:
a) Be in possession of official Spanish university degrees or equivalent Spanish degrees provided that they have passed at least 300 ECTS credits in the set of these teachings and accredit a level 3 of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education.
b) Holding a degree obtained in accordance with foreign education systems belonging to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), without the need for homologation, which accredits a level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework, provided that this degree entitles access to doctoral studies in the country in which it was issued. This admission shall not imply, under any circumstances, the recognition of the previous qualification held by the interested party nor its recognition for purposes other than that of access to doctoral studies.
c) Holding a degree obtained in accordance with foreign education systems outside the EHEA, without the need for its recognition, after verification by the university that it accredits a level of training equivalent to that of the official Spanish university Master's degree and that it entitles the holder to access doctoral studies in the country of issue of the degree. This admission shall not imply, in any case, the homologation of the previous degree held by the interested party nor its recognition for purposes other than that of access to doctoral studies.
d) Holding another doctoral degree.
e) Access shall also be open to university graduates who, having obtained a place in training in the corresponding entrance examination to specialised health training posts, have passed with a positive evaluation at least two years of training in a programme for obtaining an official qualification in one of the specialities in Health Sciences".
Admission criteria and tests
The Academic Committee will take into account the following admission criteria for the assessment of students' applications:
Criterion 1 - The academic record of the candidates' previous degrees will have a weight of 40%. The average mark of the academic record will be calculated as the result of applying the following formula: sum of the credits obtained by the student multiplied by the value of the corresponding grades and divided by the total number of credits obtained by the student.
Criterion 2. Explanatory document on the research that the student intends to carry out during his/her doctoral training, the reasons for this choice and the scientific objectives pursued (30%). The assessment will take into account the suitability of the proposal to the lines of research of the doctoral programme together with its scientific interest, originality and degree of specificity. ación del programa de doctorado junto con su interés científico, originalidad y grado de concreción.
Criterion 3. Personal interview with the person in charge of the line of research and, where appropriate, with members of the Academic Committee, in order to further develop the content of the work proposal (20%).
Criterion 4. Knowledge of English (10%). The maximum score may be obtained by accrediting the possession of level C1 or higher or also if the student's mother tongue is English or if he/she has studied at university in that language.
For part-time students the admission criteria will be the same as for full-time students. Exceptionally, and for duly justified work or personal reasons, students may change mode after authorisation from the tutor, the thesis supervisor and the Academic Committee.
After the evaluation of the four criteria mentioned above (the maximum mark will be a 10), a list will be drawn up with the scores obtained by each candidate. The candidates who have obtained the highest scores in the overall assessment will be proposed for definitive admission by the Doctoral Commission of the Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio.
Complementary training
The Doctoral Programme in Veterinary Health includes the requirement to pass training complements, which will be determined by the Academic Commission of the programme, depending on the student's access profile.
The complementary training to be undertaken by candidates whose previous training does not allow direct and automatic admission to this doctoral programme will consist of taking the subject "Methodology of Research in Experimental Sciences" (6 credits). In each case, each student will be informed, in the reply to their application for admission to this doctoral programme, of the need to pass this subject and that their definitive admission to the Doctoral Programme in Veterinary Health will be conditional on passing this subject.
This subject will be scheduled in the first six weeks of each academic year.
Contents of the subject:
Number of new admission places offered: 6
We need to know a little about you so that we can give you a personalised service.
All fields are required
Fórmate con los mejores profesionales
Regulations and official information
The Degree Monitoring and Improvement Committee is made up of the programme management, the dean of the centre to which the degree is attached, a representative of the programme directors, a representative of the doctoral students, the centre's quality coordinator and a representative of the Vice-Rector's Office for Studies and Quality.
In addition, guest members may be invited to deal with specific issues that need to be monitored.
Teléfono: 91 810 94 00
Horario: De lunes a viernes continuado de 9:00h a 18:00h