Legal Notice

Universidad Privada de Madrid, S.A., the entity responsible for the website, hereinafter UNIVERSIDAD ALFONSO X EL SABIO - UAX, has made this document available to users with the aim of complying with the obligations set out in Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and E-Commerce (LSSICE, using its Spanish acronym), as well as inform all users of the website as to its terms and conditions of use.

Anyone who accesses this website assumes the role of user and they will strictly observe and comply with the provisions established herein, as well as any other applicable legal provisions.

UNIVERSIDAD ALFONSO X EL SABIO - UAX reserves the right to amend any kind of information that may appear on the website, without being obliged to provide advance notice or make users aware of said obligations, with publication on the website deemed sufficient.


Corporate name: Universidad Privada de Madrid, S.A. 
Tax ID no. (NIF): A78518529
Address: Avenida de la Universidad, 1, 28691 Villanueva de la Cañada (Madrid)
Telephone: (+34) 918 10 92 00 
Registry details: Company registered in the Commercial Registry of Madrid Volume 7789 general, Folio 20, Section 3, Page no. 68.427-3.


Through the Website, we offer Users the chance to access information and engage our educational offerings.


When personal data must be provided to access certain contents or services, Users will guarantee the veracity, exactness, authenticity and validity of said data. The company will carry out the corresponding automatic processing of said data depending on their nature or purpose, in line with the terms set out in the Privacy Policy section.


The User recognises and accepts that all contents shown on the Website and, in particular, the designs, texts, images, logos, icons, buttons, software, trade names, trademarks and any other signs susceptible to industrial and/or commercial use are subject to intellectual property rights, as are all trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs, all industrial and intellectual property rights to the contents and/or any other elements inserted on the page, which are the exclusive property of the company and/or third parties, who have the exclusive right to use them for commercial purposes. Consequently, the User will not reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or publicly communicate, transform or amend such contents in any way, holding the company exempt from any claims made resulting from a failure to comply with these obligations. Accessing the Website will not imply any kind of waiver, transfer, licence or assignment, whether full or partial, of these rights under any circumstances, unless expressly stated otherwise. These General Terms and Conditions of Use for the Website do not grant Users any other right of use, alteration, operation, reproduction, distribution or public communication of the Website and/or its contents different to those expressed herein. Any other form of use or exploitation of any rights will be subject to prior, express authorisation being granted specifically to this end by the company or the third party who holds the affected rights.

The contents, texts, photographs, designs, logos, images, computing programmes, source codes and, in general, any intellectual creation that exists on this Website, as well as the Website itself as a whole as a multimedia artistic work, are protected as copyright by intellectual property legislation. The company is the owner of the elements comprising the graphic design of the Website, the menus, browsing buttons, HTML code, texts, images, textures, graphics and any other content on the Website or, in any case, it has the corresponding authorisation to use said elements. The content available on the Website may not be reproduced - either fully or partially - transferred or recorded by any information recovery systems under any circumstances unless the aforementioned entity’s authorisation has first been granted in writing.

Furthermore, the copyright may not be suppressed, circumvented and/or manipulated, nor the technical protective devices or any information mechanisms that could contain the contents. Users of this Website will respect the aforementioned rights and will not carry out any actions that could harm them. In any case, the company reserves the right to exercise as many legal actions or measures that correspond to it in defence of its legitimate intellectual and industrial property rights.


The User will:

a.   Make suitable and lawful use of the Website in addition to the contents and services, in accordance with:
(i) the legislation applicable at any given time; (ii) the Website’s General Terms and Conditions of Use; (iii) morality and generally accepted decency; and (iv) public order.

b.   Equip themselves with all means and technical requirements required to access the Website.
c.   Facilitate truthful information when filling in the forms contained on the Website with their personal data and keep them updated at all times such that they reflect the User’s real situation at any given moment. The User will be solely responsible for the false or inexact declarations they make and the harm caused to the company or third parties owing to the information they provide.

In addition to respecting the provisions set out in the previous section, the User must refrain from:
a.   Unauthorised or fraudulent use of the Website and/or the contents for unlawful purposes or actions, which are prohibited in these General Terms and Conditions of Use, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or that may damage, disable, overload, deteriorate or impede normal use of the services or the documents, files and all kinds of contents stored on any computer equipment in any way.
b.   Accessing or trying to access restricted resources or areas of the Website without fulfilling the conditions required for said access.
c.   Causing damage to the physical or logical systems of the Website, its providers or third parties.
d.   Inserting or spreading on the network computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that may damage the physical or logical systems of the company, its providers or third parties.
e.   Trying to access, use and/or manipulate the data of the company, third parties, providers and other Users.
f.    Reproducing or copying, distributing, allowing public access through any form of public communication, transforming or modifying the contents, unless the holder of the corresponding rights has authorised them or they are legally permitted to do so.
g.   Suppressing, hiding or manipulating the notes on intellectual or industrial property rights and all other identification details of the rights of the company or third-parties included in the contents, as well as the technical protection devices or any information mechanisms that may be inserted in the contents.                  
h.   Obtaining and trying to obtain the contents by using means or procedures different to those that, where applicable, have been made available to them for this purpose or have been expressly indicated on the web pages where the contents are found or, in general, those that are usually used on the Internet so as not to entail a risk of damaging or disabling the Website and/or the contents.
If a password is provided to access some of the services and/or contents of the Website, this must be used diligently and kept secret at all times. Consequently, the User will be responsible for correctly safeguarding it and maintaining its confidential nature, and they will not transfer it to third parties, either temporarily or permanently, nor will they permit other persons to access said services and/or contents. Similarly, they must inform the company of any act that may amount to misuse of their password, including, but not limited to, its theft, loss or unauthorised access, in a bid to ensure it is immediately cancelled. As a result, and while the aforementioned notification has not been issued, the company will be exempt from any form of liability that may arise from misuse of the User’s password, with the User responsible for any unlawful use of the Website’s contents and/or services by any illegitimate third parties. If any of the obligations set out in these General Terms and Conditions of Use are negligently or intentionally breached, the User will be liable for all damage said breach may cause for the company.


Continued access is not guaranteed, nor is correct viewing, downloading or usefulness of the elements and information contained on the Website that may be impeded, hindered or interrupted by factors or circumstances outside our control. We are not responsible for the decisions that may be implemented as a consequence of access to the contents or information offered.

The service may be interrupted, or the relationship with the User may be terminated immediately, if a form of use contrary to these General Terms and Conditions of Use regarding its Website or any of the services offered on it is detected. We are not liable for the damage, harm, losses, claims or expenses arising from use of the Website.

We will only be responsible for deleting any contents that may generate harm, provided we are notified as soon as possible. In particular, we will not be liable for the damage that may arise from the following circumstances, among others:

a.    interferences, interruptions, failures, omissions, telephonic breakdowns, delays, blockages or disconnections in the electronic system's operational nature, caused by deficiencies, overloads or errors in telecommunication lines and networks, or due to any other cause beyond the company’s control.
b.    unlawful intrusions via the use of any kind of malicious programme and via any communication medium, such as computer viruses and others.
c.    undue or unsuitable abuse of the Website.
d.    security or browsing errors caused by browser malfunctions or use of older versions. The Website’s administrator reserves the right to remove, whether fully or partially, any content or information present on the Website.

The company is not liable in any way for any damage that may be caused by poor use of the services that are freely available and use by Users of the Website. Furthermore, it is exempt from any form of liability for the contents and information that may be received as a result of data collection forms, with these solely available to provide query and consultation services. On the other hand, if damage is caused due to unlawful or incorrect use of said services, claims may be made against the User for the damage caused.

Users will hold the company exempt from any damage resulting from third-party claims, actions or lawsuits as a consequence of them accessing or using the Website. Furthermore, Users are obliged to pay compensation for any damage resulting from their use of robots, spiders, crawlers or similar tools used to collect or extract data or any other action by Users that may entail an unreasonable burden to the operational nature of the Website.


The User must not reproduce the Website in any way, not even via a hyperlink, nor any of its contents, unless expressly authorised to do so by the file controller in writing.

The Website may include links to other websites, managed by third parties, with the aim of facilitating the User’s access to the information of collaborator and/or sponsor companies. Accordingly, the company will not be liable for the content of said websites, nor is it in a position of guarantor or offering party regarding the services and/or information that may be offered to third parties through third-party links.

The User is granted a limited, revocable and non-exclusive right to create links to the main page of the Website exclusively for their private, non-commercial use. Websites that include a link to our Website (i) may not falsify their relationship or claim that said link has been authorised, nor include trademarks, names, trade names, logos or other distinctive signs of our company; (ii) may not include contents that may be deemed to be of poor taste, obscene, offensive, controversial, incite violence of discrimination due to sex, race or religion, contrary to public order or unlawful; (iii) may not link to any page of the Website different to the main page; (iv) must link to the Website's address, without allowing the website making the link to reproduce the Website as part of its own web page or within one of its frames, or create a browser on any of the Website’s pages. The company may request that any link to the Website be deleted at any time, after which it must be removed immediately.

The company cannot control the information, contents, products or services provided by other websites that have established links to the Website.


To use some of the services, the User must first provide certain personal data. The company will automatically process these data and apply the corresponding security measures, in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR, LOPDGDD and LSSICE.


The company reserves the right to use cookie technology on the Website with a view to recognising frequent Users and personalising their use of the Website by preselecting their language, or more desirable or specific contents.


In general, the contents and services offered on the Website are merely for information purposes. Consequently, by offering them, no guarantees or declarations are granted in relation to the contents and services offered on the Website, including, but not limited to, guarantees of legality, reliability, usefulness, veracity, exactness or marketability, except to the extent said declarations and guarantees cannot be excluded by law.


The company will not be liable for inability to provide its service under any circumstances if this inability is owed to extended interruptions in the electricity supply, telecommunication lines, social conflicts, strikes, rebellion, explosions, floods, acts or omissions of government, and, in general, all scenarios of force majeure or acts of god.


These General Terms and Conditions of Use, as well as use of the Website, will be governed by Spanish law. Any disputes between the parties will be resolved by the courts corresponding to the address of the Website's owner.
